Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chris Davis knee injury

Brandon's good friend, Chris Davis, was playing basketball with our family at the rec center last night. We were having a fun game of HORSE and Chris was the winner. He twisted his knee the wrong way and went directly to the ground in major PAIN! You may think "So WHAT" however, there is more to the story!

Last year, Chris went to Brandon's mutual night at the church to play SOCK WARS (dodge ball with SOCKS--harmless) and he twisted the same knee. He ended up having surgery for a torn miniscus and 6 weeks of physical therapy. Chris missed the school soccer season as well as his indoor season--Chandler Hansen plays on the same team.

When he injured his knee last night, he said it felt like the miniscus AGAIN. We feel so bad for this injury and will wait to hear more after today.

Have we jinxed this kid for good so he will never again play sports with Bishop family members.

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