Sunday, November 16, 2008

11-1-08 BYU vs. CSU--BYU WON!!!!!!!!!!!

For Halloween this year, we traveled to Colorado and spent the weekend with my sister Tanya and her family. Leaving at 4 PM KC time made for a long night, however, our FAVORITE traveler (the only one STRAPPED in a car seat) slumbered for much of the 10 hour drive and Brandon kept Brad awake throughout most of the night listening to a comedy routine on Brad's I-pod.

Amazingly, the connection between cousins is unbroken with age or interest. 8-year-old Nathan and 16-year-old Brandon and the 3-year-old girls jumped for hours on the trampoline, while 14-year-old Hunter and 6-year-old Scott and Carson built robots out of bionicles. Dads joined in the football game and prepared for the BIG EVENT.

Lauren and Jessie played "guess which Disney Princess I am" until the gowns were thread bare and the cheap plastic shoes were clunking wildly on the wood floor.

Trick o Treating on Friday was fast and furious for Carson and Jessie-although you would never know it looking at the STASH of candy they consumed.


  1. Those are some awesome pictures. They didn't do so well today. Oh well you win some, you lose some.

  2. Wow! Autographs and pictures with the players; how cool is that? Looks like you guys had a great time! What a fun trip!
