Wednesday, October 8, 2008

BVN Homecoming 08

Brandon attended the homecoming dance last weekend with a group of friends. He spent the day in Lawrence, KS competing in a marching festival and got home 1 hour before the dance.

Click to play BVN Homecoming 2008
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  1. I bet it is so fun having kids in highschool. What a fun age. You get to enjoy a whole spectrum of ages right now. You are so lucky.

  2. I can't believe that Brandon is old enough to go to Homecoming. Wow. Cute group of kids! I hope they had fun!

  3. Can you believe you have a kid going to dances! Remember all the ones we went to? Riding over to the Stake Center. Decorating the gym for the New Years dance. Going to Village Inn or some other place afterward. Youth Conference dances. Remember Marty Watkins! and remember WHO your "remember" was. Ahhh those were the days! We had it good didn't we.
    Love ya :)

  4. What a busy day for those kids! How do you keep up with Brandon? I know I'm crazy, but I can't wait to have teenagers! I guess I still feel like one sometimes.
