Tuesday, September 23, 2008

KU Band Day Parade

Friday night, Brad, Hunter, and Carson enjoyed an evening camping at the annual Father's and Sons at Lake Clinton in Lawrence, KS. 

Jessie, Grandma and Grandpa, Paul Platt (Brandon's hometeacher) and I cheered the BVN Mustang football team and the band at a Friday night game.

Saturday, Brandon played in a JV game. It wasn't winning weekend as both games were lost. After the game, I dumped Jessie off at Mom's house and sped over to Lawrence KS where Brandon marched in the KU Band Day Parade. The CAMPING boys met us on the sidelines and we watched as schools all over North Eastern KS paraded and played their band instruments. The weather was beautiful and the music was inspiring. I love marching season.

(Notice the picture of the BAND DIRECTOR in the Golf Cart! Priceless. One of the bands was so small that I could fit the entire band in ONE FRAME--the picture is of their BACKS!)

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