Saturday, July 26, 2008

Calhoun, Georgia: Summer trip to visit my brother

Video of our Georgia trip this summer.
1. Jessie screaming to get out of car seat. NEVER in our family-pediatrician rules!
2.  Childhood memories of carelessly dancing in the rain flooded my mind as I witnessed the children at a Georgian amusement park. A rainstorm pelted our bodies, however, did not stop the children from "puddling" it up. Jessie's small red rain boots, worn at her brother's Ct. of Honor, would have surely kept her feet dry.
3.  Lilly and Jessie loved to ride the FROG HOPPER. There was NO line so they went again and again and again and again. Brandon even joined in on the fun.
4.  Carson loved to play with his cousin Marianna-9 month old.
5. An Atlanta Water Park was fun for EVERYONE!
6.  Visiting Carter lake and playing in the warm water was refreshing.

Yesterday, while getting gas outside of Nashville, Tenn., we encountered a potentially frightening situation. I was just starting to pump gas and directly in front of me an African American man and woman began a fist fight. The man pushed the woman down and began hitting her.

The kids were in the car and Brandon was inside. I told the kids to stay in the car and I got myself in the car while the couple continued to go at it. I quickly backed up and hit a pole. Brandon walked directly past the angry couple and jumped into the car. The woman got into a car and started to drive away, but the man blocked her with his car. We sped across the street to another gas station, away from any potential danger. 

A motorcyclist, also pumping gas, screamed at the couple to stop, however, did not intervene at all. I wasn't about to put myself in harms way when I had my children to consider. I suppose we'll never know how the situation ended. Never good.


  1. You had a very busy summer Steph. Loved watching Jessie in the water puddles.
    Hey will you tell Heidi hello. She commented on my page the other day. I wanted to comment back, but her site is private. :)

  2. That looks like a very fun vacation. Almost like one of those where you need a vacation from your vacation. Will you please send me Laurie's email so I can invite her to view my blog.
