Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jessie's TARGET portrait session


  1. Too, too cute! OH to have a girl!!! What great pictures - and at Target!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That girl just looks like fun! So cute and growing so fast! These pictures are great! I haven't thought of going to Target for portraits! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Too adorable! Which Target was it? I'm glad that dress still fits. Aren't you glad you got it?

  5. Wow, you must have had to spend a forturne, although maybe target is not so bad. I once took Diana to a fancy portrait place, they wanted me to plop down $350. I left with the bare minimum, but it was so painful to leave such cute pictures behind.

  6. I spent $100 and that included 2 gifts for Grandma for their birthdays with FRAMES. It also included access to all the photos on the web. The dress was 75% off from Dillards and it was $35 (STILL too much to spend for a dress-but I was compelled! She has worn it for 2 years and it STIL fits.

  7. Thank goodness Jessie has you as her mother!! We both know from whom she gets her good looks.

  8. So Cute!! I was wondering what made you decide to go private? I have been toying with the idea for a while now. I just may do it.

  9. Jessie is so dang cute! These are awesome photos, you guys! Have any extras for adoring relatives? XOXOXO

  10. Great pictures! I'm wondering if Jessie was upset when they stopped taking her picture? :)

  11. I love it! Are you having so much fun with your GIRL?! She's completely gorgeous, and the pictures are great -- Target should pay you for marketing. :)
