Friday, August 22, 2008

Back to School

Brandon Evans Bishop--11th Grade  Begins day at 5:30 AM

Hunter Michael Bishop--8th Grade--Begins day at 5:50 AM
Carson Whitaker Bishop--4th Grade--begins day at 7:30 AM     Mrs. Price
Jessica Tamara Bishop--cries when her LAST brother leaves--begins preschool next week

Monday, the children all went back to school and I have spent ALL week trying to adjust or catch up on sleep. Even though the summer is often tiring and filled with activities to keep the children engaged and away from "Screen Time", it is fun. The quietness of the house is not always welcomed. I have many friends state that one day I will miss the NOISE!  (I DO)
Brandon and Hunter are both playing football and don't often get home until after 5:30 and then the noise begins again.

Between engaging in Olympic watching and not getting enough sleep, I did read two very good books to pass the time this week.

Both were easy and good reads. I LOVED Three Cups of Tea and would highly recommend the non-fiction story of one's man's mission to build schools in the most violent region of the world.

Jessie and I also enjoyed some retail therapy at The Legends with Grandma.

Would someone post a comment and tell me when I will want to clean and catch up on household tasks AGAIN? I CAN"T find the motivation to do it!  HELP!


  1. You will find the motivation when you have absoultely nothing else to do and you are bored out of your skull

  2. The day will never come. Hope your husband does it!

  3. Love the first day of school pictures!! Um, I find the motivation when I know someone's coming over and I don't want to be embarassed : )

  4. Chores, schmores...there are more important things in life! Like retail therapy!!! I can't believe how much Carson looks like his dad. Jessie's picture is hilarious. Whatever will you do when Jessie is in preschool!? Chores? Surely not!

  5. Uh if you get a good, solid, useable response on finding motivation to do that housework stuff? Lemme know.
    School starts tomorrow for Riley and Preschool next week for Kael.
