Friday, July 11, 2008

The race is never finished until the goggles BREAK!

"A young person, to achieve, must first get out of his mind any notion either of the ease or rapidity of success. Nothing ever just happens in this world."  Edward William Bok

Hunter and Carson swam in their LAST swim meet of the 2008 season last night. Five weeks ago, waking up at 6:30 AM on warm summer days to take the boys to practice seemed impossible. However, here it is the end and I am ALMOST enjoying the early morning start to the day! 

Today, I had those panic feelings that one gets that life is moving much too fast. In your teens, you can't wait to be in your 20's; in your 20-30's, you want your kids to grow up and be able to do things on their own and you can't wait to have a home, family, money, life; in your  40's, life is going at break-neck speed as you try to keep up with all the stuff you THOUGHT you wanted in your 20-30's and you'd give anything to SLOW down and stop time! 

Can't wait for the 50's and what is in store?!!!!!!


  1. That is a good reminder to me that I need to slow down. I will be 30 in a few weeks. AHHH!!

  2. I always love to get your perspective of things, Stephanie. I can totally see myself having these same struggles with my boys in 10 years!

  3. I want to see some footage of Hunter doing the butterfly. I never managed to do more than 2 consecutive strokes.
    The boys looked like serious swimmers!

  4. Aw, I miss you Stephanie! You're so great! Thanks for the reminder to stop wishing for tomorrow.
