Saturday, July 26, 2008

Heavy Heart

Because of several health crisis in families of those I hold dear, I've had a heavy heart this week. Decision making is challenging and thought processes don't stay connected. (I've also been preparing for Brandon's Court of Honor Sunday night which adds to the stress level!)

3 dear families are struggling with on-going cancer battles and face unknown futures. Indeed, modern medicine have advanced many treatments and cures for some cancers, however, patients and families continue to struggle with daily therapies and pain management.

Another dear college friend, who I have connected with once again since I became a BLOG STALKER, has been caring for a 14-year-old son who remains in the hospital after 2-weeks of hip  infection and 5 surgeries to drain the fluid. She is a clever and witty writer and has gained access to a hospital computer while waiting for nurses, doctors to see to the care of her son. It is her therapy as one who has experienced long-term hospital stays knows the days drag on and on and on.

Faith in a God who protects us and sends an army of support who believe as we do can carry  burdens too heavy to bare on our own. The compassionate gifts that are instilled in each of us allow us to put aside our own challenges to quickly aid those who face more than they are. 

My unique perspective as the wife of a physician who cares for patients 24/7, allows me to see the doctors viewpoint and know how deeply they care. Often this role places a heavy burden on me to care for the needs of my own family alone. However, the viewpoint that health challenges, which most often are not caused because of the choices one makes, are greater than laundry being done, a house needing to be tended to or the grass being mowed or arguing teenagers thinking they own the world. I am proud that I am married to a man who cares for children and supports their families in time of crisis and will continue my role as mother to 4 healthy children!

My beliefs, and those of these dear friends, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the service that I have participated in give me the strength I need to get up each day and "STICK TO THE TASK". Here is their official website.  


  1. Thanks Steph, for the sound out and link to my blog. I feel very flattered. I appreciate all your words of comfort and support through out. I love your blog also.

  2. What a good reminder of how things can change so fast, and where we draw our strength. Thank you for sharing.

  3. At times such as these I am grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. I think how lost I would feel without that.
