Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Go KARTS--Climbing WAll--Fun Fun Fun

A fun-filled day was spent at an indoor/outdoor playland for kids of ALL ages, including my good friend Radawn and myself. Peter and Carson were the first to try the Go Karts.

The ball pit area has many machines that shoot foam balls into the air and across the room! It is a BOYS HEAVEN--and sisters of brothers!!!!!

Peter Bagley uses the suction machine to quicken the recovery of foam balls for the FOAM BALL WAR

Anna Bagley posing for the camera!
Peter attempts to climb the rock wall and gets all the way to the top!
The Moms had fun too!!!!!!!!
Jessie rides her FIRST Go Kart (with MOM)
Ben makes it to the top QUICKLY--just like his Dad!
The loaded GUNS in the FOAM Factory
Nathan EATS the balls!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Bagleys. It was so good to see pics of them too. You two mommies are always doing fun things. Tell her hi, and teach her how to blog.

    Looks like a fun day.
