Sunday, June 1, 2008

Windsor, CO Tornado-2008!!!!!!!!

Last week, my sister Tanya was driving to KC and bringing her children so we could babysit while her and her husband went on a cruise with her husbands siblings and family. While watching CNN, we witnessed a tornado hit Tanya's town of Windsor, CO. I immediately called her on her cell phone somewhere along I-70, but did not reach her for 2 hours. 

Meanwhile, we were frantically watching the news to see if her house was destroyed by the rare twister. We did not recognize her home, however, were amazed at the devastating damage to the small town.

When I finally reached her, she did not believe me that her town had been hit. She did eventually get off the highway and begin to make 2 hours worth of phone calls and determined that her house was safe, however, several of her ward members had lost their homes. She is the RS president of her Windsor ward and was in a panic to contact members and know of their safety.

Nerves rattled, the family arrived to KC safely and has since enjoyed a week vacation on a cruise while we have watched the kids. They get back tomorrow-Sunday. Here is a link to the devastation to the town.

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