Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jessie's surgery

On Monday, I awoke at 5:15 AM and said goodbye to Brad and Brandon as they headed off for a Colorado Adventure with their Scout Troop. After making sure Hunter and Carson were set for the day, (Carson attended Cub Camp), I took Jessie to Children's Mercy Hospital for her 7:30 AM appointment with a pediatric surgeon to remove a calcified cyst on the back of her right knee. This required that she be put to sleep. The surgery only lasted 1 hour and the recovery was 30 minutes. The discharge summary said I should expect Jessie to sleep the rest of the day and that calm, indoor activity could be resumed.

Jessie had the opposite reaction. The "sleeping" medicine made her MORE awake than normal and very BOUNCY all day. Just my luck. Hunter and I tried to watch a movie with her jumping all around us.

Here is her bandage.

1 comment:

  1. Of course Jessie's medicine worked backwards! Expect the unexpected, right? But I wouldn't try caffeine to put her to sleep -- pretty sure that wouldn't work backwards...

    I love your blog -- funny videos!!
