Saturday, June 21, 2008

Brandon earns his Eagle Scout Award

This has been a thrilling week as our oldest son, Brandon (16) just earned his EAgle Scout award and will be awarded the honor on Sunday, July 27, 2008. I so appreciate all the honorable men in his life who have contributed to his success in this program. For all the complaining I do concerning the organization, they do a good job of teaching boys useful skills and taking them away from their natural desires to waste time-ie. video games, computer, TV. Brandon has had some inspiring leaders and was aided in this honor by them.

Pictured for his Board of Review are:  Joe Fackrell, James Allen, Jason  Bagley and Daryl Ward. John Naylor was instrumental in helping Brandon over the last 4 years. 

1 comment:

  1. It is so great to see missed ward members. I want to keep up with you and your blog if that is okay.
