Sunday, May 4, 2008

Last Wednesday, Brandon and members of his church youth group performed for their Talent Show. They sang to "Sweet Spirit" off the Sons of Provo sound track and made up a skit for the Priest Korum Komedy Troupe-PKKT! It was a RIOT and a must see! It maybe long, but if you are a RELATIVE, you must watch--a friend can simply skim through it.

Hunter played a piano solo that I previously recorded on the blog. His quorum performed such a SHORT skit that I did not catch it!!!!

Click the link below and have fun! 

Jessie is finally recovering from a 103 degree fever for 4 days (with no other symptons). She has been up through a lot of the nights and I am glad Brad has been home as he is a much better NIGHT person than I. I take the DAY shift.
Spring has sprung here in KC and it is delightful to feel of the sunshine and renewal that our beautiful earth is experiencing! Grass, flowers, and buds appear daily and refreshes the soul. School is certainly winding down as well with many concerts and activities planned. I so enjoy attending the boys outside concerts and hearing the fun music that is performed. Carson looks forward to his FIELD DAY and I do as well. 

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