Wednesday, April 16, 2008

While playing with Jessie at our monthly Mom N Me at a kid  zone, I was astonished when 3 police officers brought the run-away three-year-old to me and stated, "this never happens here." Oh great, just bring on the Mom guilt. Surely my child wasn't the only toddler to escape the Kid Zone (which I thought was securely locked.) 
Later I found out that a fight had broken out and a gun was used to threaten the enemy. The young adult gunmen ran out the door which happened to be VERY near where Jessie had escaped. Several police officers were immediately on the scene and rushed the High Schoolers out and arrested 6 individuals for fighting in a public setting etc.
Our Mom N Me group had NO clue as to the circumstances surrounding the incident until all the perpetrators had left (or been arrested!) It was a LARGE Play Zone, although we may have to choose another venue for our toddlers to play!


  1. Um, that is truly frightening! And maybe PlayZone needs to reassess their exits? Glad to hear Jessica was protected!

  2. Uh the extremes in parental control as illustrated by the last two posts with your oldest and youngest seems, well...extreme!
    Funny that Jessie joins a gun-toting gang around the same time you are trying to keep Brandon from getting too wild!
    ;) hehe

  3. Yikes! So glad everyone's alright. Scary times! Losing Jenna at a pitch black crowded 4th of July fireworks when she was little was one of my scariest times. We found her (crying) with a police officer who she was smart enough to approach and tell she was lost. She was older than 3 though-more like 7 or so. Worst 4th of July ever!
