Monday, March 3, 2008


Two weeks, after a particularly long bubble bath, Jessie continued to smell as if she'd gone #2! Another attempt was made to wash the awful odor off, yet it continued to linger long after towel drying Jessie, combing her hair and clothing her.  I began to wonder if she had developed the worst case of "Babie's breath" imaginable, when a "light bulb" went off in my head!  Rotten FOOD was the smell that was enveloping her tiny little body, particularly  her NOSE! Brad was home and quickly did an "emergency exploratory" surgery in her nose and discovered that a pair of tweezers works quite well for such emergencies. A large piece of MEMORY FOAM was extracted from Jessie's nostril. At least she was "comfortable" with the extra mass in her nose. Come to think of it, Brad's pillow was missing a piece of foam for quite some time! 

Amazing what a smell a small piece can make when placed in just the right place!

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