Wednesday, March 12, 2008


For 2 weeks, we have been working on potty training Jessica--my LAST experience. She has mastered the PEE part, but is struggling with POOP!  Even though we put her on the potty for an hour and read books before bed, she saves the poop when she is in her bed! A special surprise for us! Finally, last night she HIT the pot. We only hope it wasn't an ACCIDENT!
Did I mention that it was my LAST. I am rejoicing! I never imagined 21 years ago that I would be potty training a toddler and assisting a 16-year-old with an Eagle project. It doesn't get any better than that, people!
Speaking of a 16-year-old, Brandon had his first BLIND date with 7 other members of his priest quorum. Without much effort on the guys part, their youth advisor arranged for another group of girls to be "available" on a Wednesday night. They came to our house, played games, and made dessert. Everyone had a great time. Brad nor I got to see the event as he was working and I had to drive kids to youth group

1 comment:

  1. Congrats- this is a BIG milestone in a mother's life. Next thing you have to look forward to, is Jessica going to school. First grade is a beautiful thing.
