Friday, February 22, 2008

Appointment week

I had my second mammogram this week and boy am I grateful that I nursed 4 children and only have sagging skin to stretch out under the microscope!  I'm sure as the years progress and my body sags more, the test will be increasingly less painful. No strange masses to report and I am free until next year.

Brandon's orthopedic appointment also went well. He is slowly returning to running and putting more pressure on the knee. Track practice begins on Monday and he is going to give it two weeks to totally heal and then he will run a full sprint. If it is still painful, the doctor will order an MRI to take a closer look. Hopefully, all will heal normally.

Another winter blast hit us on Wednesday night with a 1/4 inch ice. Although the roads were slick, school was not canceled, much to the disappointment of the boys. Seminary was canceled-good call for those teenage drivers. I managed to make my 10 AM hair appointment. I was the only client in the chair as all the other appointments got canceled. Thursday is "hair-setting" day and many of the older ladies did not wish to brave the elements.

Jessica has an ear infection and has been up at night in misery. She seems to be constantly sick this winter.

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