Thursday, January 10, 2008

Surviving Another sickness

After 3 days of being in my pajamas, I am back amongst the living. The flu bug struck Carson, my 9-year-old, and I pretty hard. We struggled with consciousness for a few days along with the fevers, chills and sniffles. Carson's pale skin was a dead give-away that he wasn't attending school after I sent him back for the FIRST day from WINTER break. I was soooo ready for all 3 of the four children to be academically challenged instead of electronically impaired!! All is now well and some of my energy is returning.

Brandon will participate in his second wrestling tournament Saturday. I will sit in the stands fearful of his life and my sanity! He turned 16 last Saturday and he played at the rec center with 8 friends and then was surprised by a bunch of girls at the house later in the evening.

Carson also has a birthday on Saturday, however, his party will be postponed until we have a free Saturday.

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