Sunday, January 27, 2008

January Jaunts!

Our 2-year-old has discovered lipstick and loves to apply it when Mommy is not looking! Playing basketball with his church buddies keeps our 16-year-old out of trouble when he is not wrestling. Our 13-year-old is a year older than his good friend of 9 years and ALMOST as tall! Applying "Purple Lipstick" is "J's" obsession. She also complains of a "purple headache" and all colors are "purple". She's obsessed!
50 degree weather is a welcome change from single digits. There are no more remnants of snow covering the grass or streets which causes us to reflect on the leaves that STILL need to be raked from the FALL. Winter has hit us hard and we are grateful to be over the sickness that plagued our family for January.

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