Friday, January 25, 2008

Flour Mess with Jessie-Jessie sleeps during conference

Jessie was so ready for a NAP on this day in the Fall of 2007. Enjoy!

A little play in the FLOUR is mandatory for any curious 2-year-old!


  1. Oh my, I don't miss those days! Diana did very similiar things back in the day. How fun to have it captured on video. You can show her some day, I'm sure she would not believe you otherwise.

  2. Well...that is exactly what 2 yr olds. love to do. My 2 yr. old mess about a month ago had to do with syrup. Our Chad could open the fridge lock by himself and so while I was gone for a few minutes he pulled out the syrup bottle and dumped it all over my couch. It was awful. Lucky for him the cushion cover could be unzipped and taken off to be washed. Otherwise, I don't know what I would have done. I was not happy as it was. I will say that 2 yr olds are speedy little things.
